Our Pastor


Pastors Riley and Ann Grandell

Riley and Ann were very successful in the business world, but left the fast lane to pursue the call of God. While building their careers and companies in real estate, aerospace parts, and entertainment media, they were also busy behind the scenes administering projects at large international ministries in Texas and Southeast Florida. As an ordained minister, Riley has taught the truth of God’s word and a message of servant leadership at churches throughout the United States and was the creator of a radio program with daily, life-changing messages known as “Just a Thought”.

Ann has been involved with mentoring women and assisting them to new heights of spiritual maturity and personal development for over 25 years. Her love for people is clearly recognized in her role as the Executive Director of the local Love INC (Love In the Name of Christ) clearing house that coordinates the community outreach efforts of over 20 churches and many service agencies. Her knowledge and love of God’s Word have enabled her to teach others how Biblical principles relate to their daily living

Together Riley and Ann share a passion for unity in the body of Christ and have an ability to draw out an individual’s talents that bear fruit within the local church and the community. Most importantly, through simple faith in God’s Word, they have witnessed incredible miracles and give all the glory to God.