About Us
Wondering who we are and what we offer?
We are an “Interdenominational Church”, which means we come from all kinds of backgrounds. Some of us have never been in church before now. The Bible is our source for decisions for both our church and our individual lives.
Loving People, Changing Lives! Everything we do around here is focused on sharing God’s love. For we are all broken people (thanks to Adam & Eve!), but God’s love transforms us into some pretty special people. After all, we ARE made in God’s image and likeness, and He has a plan for each of our lives!
Fostering a Spirit of Unity in the Community by Sharing the Love of God. You see, it’s not about our church or any church, for that matter, it’s about the Kingdom of God, your life and all of us working together to share God’s love.
A Big Welcome!
On behalf of our wonderful church family, WELCOME! You are not here by accident because God specifically brought you here to tell you how much He loves you, and frankly, so do we!
We look forward to getting to know you and to help you find out God’s plan for your life. We have a message of hope which includes:
God’s love,
not condemnation;
not despair;
The power of His presence,
not the defeat of His absence;
The fullness of His joy,
not the emptiness of sadness;
Pastor Riley Grandell